Team Innovate

Diversify the economy and spark business innovation.

Identified Challenges

Traditional strengths of the Coastside economy have limited opportunities for innovation and equitable growth.

  • Physical isolation and limited public transit.
  • Limited commercial space.
  • Challenges with planning process and zoning.
  • Opposition to growth.
  • Infrastructure (power and digital).
  • Lack of affordable housing.
  • Lack of higher education and job skills training opportunities.
  • Lack of financing and lending institutions.
  • Lack of civic engagement.


  • Create a business incubator for new start-up and early-stage companies aligned with the Coastside’s unique industries and assets (e.g., ag-tech, marine, aviation and environmental).
  • Increase access to vocational training and higher education opportunities for economically vulnerable residents.

Research & Implementation

The Coastside Recovery Initiative is actively researching and seeking solutions to implement the recommendations.